Windhoek Lager International Pairs

2016 Saw the launch of the 1st season of the Windhoek Lager International Pairs. It has been an amazing success.

International Pairs Worldwide was created in England in 1999 and started as a regional inter-club “pairs” competition in the Hampshire area to celebrate the Millennium. That was 21 years ago and the tournament has grown into an International event of some significance. The success of International Pairs as a concept has been its simplicity and in enabling participating countries to hold qualifying events through which the process to identify pairs of ordinary club golfers to represent their country at the International Pairs World Final each year.

So, there is more than enough reason for your club and members to be part of the largest amateur golf competition in the world; one that is highly competitive, cost-effective and provides the opportunity for any club golfer to potentially represent their club, region and country against other golfers from around the country and possibly the world.


If you need any other information please visit our wensite